Public Speaking Magician Entertaining Speaker for Keynote Speaker
Public Speaking Magician Entertaining Speaker for Keynote Speaker 2


World champion performer James Brandon offers  high impact motivational presentations. More than speeches, these entertaining seminars are Info-tainment at its highest level. Each of these extremely interactive speeches is peppered with amazing magic and comedy participation while delivering valuable information in a memorable way.

If your company has a new product to role out or a theme to drive home, why not enlist one of the world’s most respected performers to customize a presentation with just your message in mind?

James Brandon currently has three different speeches that are each delivered with inspiring enthusiasm and important information.


“Creativity Is No Illusion” -This highly interactive presentation clearly explains how principals that are used to create magic illusions can be applied in the work place to promote creative thinking and problem solving. In this fun, fascinating and informative presentation, numerous methods for approaching solutions are clearly outlined. Suddenly problems transform into opportunities, great ideas appear as difficult issues vanish!


“Magically Green” – This presentation demonstrates practical and easy to implement ways in which your employees can “Go Green” while saving your company money and resources.


Common side effects of this presentation are:

  • Increased office morale which promotes a “feel good” atmosphere.
  • Raising your company’s positive and marketable profile.
  • Feeling connected to a common purpose and a greater good.

“Seven Magic Principals of Effective Presentations” -A completely original approach to creating successful and entertaining presentations. James Brandon demonstrates how creating a business presentation can be vastly more effective by employing the seven principals of magic.


Magic Principals at work:

  • Transforming plain information into a moving experience.
  • Predicting and visualizing the success of your presentation.
  • Appearance of a new product, idea or concept.
  • Vanishing your performance anxiety and stress.
  • Penetrating a tired, blasé or skeptical group.
  • Levitating the overall look and feel of your presentation.
  • Restoring your audiences’ belief in a fresh and bold idea.
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